National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)
Meet Beth – A National Board Certified & Duke IM Certified Integrative Health & Wellness Coach specializing in Brain Health, Culinary Medicine, Plant-Strong Diets, and Lifestyle Medicine focused on Perennials (aka Boomers/ Seniors)

Meet The Coach
Elizabeth (Beth) Adams-Smith, MA, EdD, CHES, ICHC, CLMC, NBC-HWC
As a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, I form a partnership with my clients to bolster behavior changes that help improve their health and general well-being. We might focus on reversing or preventing cognitive decline, mastering a more healthful diet (including weight-loss) or managing chronic conditions through lifestyle modifications. The key is that the client drives the boat; you are the expert on yourself and, with guidance, can figure out how to get where you need to be. Generally, my clients are my peers – that cohort known as Boomers, Seniors, or, my preference, Perennials.
Some Background
I have been actively engaged in all aspects of healthy living – professionally, academically and personally – for four decades and am a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, a Certified Lifestyle Medicine Coach (American College of Lifestyle Medicine), a Certified Integrative Medicine Coach), as well as a Certified Health Education Specialist (Teachers College, Columbia University). As a Qualified ReCODE™ Report Practitioner Coach, I have been trained to support Bredesen’s Protocol for Preventing/ Reversing Cognitive Decline. I also hold certificates from the Institute of Lifestyle Medicine and Harvard Medical School’s Clinician’s CHEF Coaching Program (to support clients in cooking healthy food at home), and from the Campbell Foundation & eCornell in Plant-based Nutrition. Having completed other RouxBe cooking courses, I am enrolled in their Professional Plant-Based Chef certification program. Among my many other endeavors, I designed and developed the first and largest full-text and image database on integrative and complementary medicine (acquired by Ebsco), authored/photographed eight travel guides for boaters – books, DVDs, managed the website, and produced many dozens of corporate videos and several documentaries (including award-winning “Children of War”).
Here are some of my credentials:
- NBC-HWC – National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBHWC & National Board of Medical Examiners)
- CHES – Certified Health Education Specialist (NCHEC – Columbia University)
- CLMC – Certified Lifestyle Medicine Coach (ACLM – American College of Lifestyle Medicine)
- CIHC – Certified Integrative Health Coach (Duke Integrative Medicine)
- Qualified Bredesen ReCODETM Practitioner Coach – To Prevent/ Reverse Cognitive Decline (FMCA Functional Medicine Coaching Academy & Apollo Health)
- Clinician’s CHEF program in Culinary Medicine Coaching (Harvard Medical School & Institute for Lifestyle Medicine)
- Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition (eCornell & T Colin Campbell’s Center for Nutrition Studies)
If you would like to know more about me, download or view my full bio. And if you would like to know if we might create a productive partnership to help you make the change you want, then schedule a free discovery call and let’s chat.
Download the full BIO for Beth Adams-Smith
View the full BIO online for Beth Adams-Smith